Product strategy means saying no

Marcus Olsson,

Att säga "nej" till en idé kan vara riktigt svårt, särskilt då idén verkar rimlig på pappret. Des Traynor på intercom.ios blogg listar 12 vanliga argument som ofta dyker upp, som kan vara svåra att säga nej till.

When your product gets traction, you’ll find yourself inundated with good ideas for features. These will come from your customers, your colleagues, and yourself. Because they’re good ideas, there’ll always be lots of reasons to say yes to them. Here’s 12 arguments [...] that are commonly used to sneak features into a product


But it'll only take a few minutes

The main problem with this argument is that the scope of work should never be a reason to include a feature in a product. Maybe it’s a reason to bump it up the roadmap, but that’s a roadmap decision, not a product one.

Lots of bad ideas can be built quickly. Don’t be seduced. There are no small changes. Also, even the tiniest additions add hidden complexity that isn’t accounted for in the “but it’s just 5 minutes” estimate.

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